How To Show Up As Your Most Authentic-Self. Start Your Day with These 3 Tips

Begin by focusing on the good things, connect to your truth, and everything will work out.

Ariana Energy
3 min readDec 21, 2021
A woman closing the gate to her home before beginning the day.

There is a lot happening with the wind-down of 2021. We are getting ready by quarantining to see family members, wrapping up projects at work, prepping for holiday madness, and prepping ourselves for the triggers that come along with being around family. Here are three ways to stay grounded during this time of the year.

  1. Make a Daily To-do List

The concept has been around since the 1920’s when a psychologist named Bluma Zeigarnik, coined the “Zeigarnik Effect”, where she demonstrated the act of planning activities through “to-do” lists reduced executive burden on the brain by freeing the brain from having to worry about unfinished tasks.” More recently, Stephen Covey gained popularity with his book on prioritizing the to-do list with, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, where he refined the to-do list with the “urgent, non-urgent, important, non-important. Having the discipline to put me first and say no to what isn’t serving me, especially around deadlines, is something that increases focus and gets me ahead on my goals. What I have found that has worked best is keeping my Friday’s light. If you are someone that works Monday-Friday, try blocking off your afternoons after 1 pm for yourself. This can be the best time to use towards creative projects or getting started on that recipe you promised yourself to try.

2. Affirmations for Performance

A study done by Researchers over at Sage Journal proved those with affirmations enjoyed promoted attention regulation, impulse control, and goal pursuit than those without. I recently downloaded a free app called “I am”, which allows me to filter the number of daily affirmations I want to see and the times of the day I receive them. I use to ask my shaman and witchy friends for help with my own mantras but, I found this app takes out the work for me. I scroll through 5–10 before starting the day, highlight those that I identify with, and sit with them through a meditation. This is perfect when you want to do a self-guided meditation. Start by picking 1–2 of the affirmations as your repeated mantra, these mantras will be your “power phrases”, lastly pick a “power action”, after all, this works when we actually put them into action.


Power Phrase: Be Who I am, Use My Voice.

Power Action: Connect to the truth of who I am.

3. Drink a Cup of Water After Brushing Your Teeth.

Waking up from a night’s slumber means bacteria have been chilling in your mouth, brush your teeth then sip on a glass of water. Not only are there fewer distractions before I start my day, but my metabolism also benefits from drinking first thing in the morning. Drinking a glass of water before breakfast has been a sweet spot for intuitively eating because it helps with satiation. Check out my 5 favorite breakfast picks in my latest Instagram post.

A tip for continuing the trend throughout the rest of your day: Try sitting at your desk with a full cup of water to serve as a reminder to stay hydrated. Remember coffee is a diuretic. For every cup of coffee, double your water intake.

Congratulations on making it this far into the Covid world. Now, there’s just a few days left of 2021 and there’s a whole lot we have experienced in the last couple of years. Give these tips a try because they might be your new go-to for kicking off 2022.



Ariana Energy

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