How Doing Less High-Intensity Interval Training Got Me the Results I Wanted.

Here’s what worked and what didn’t, and tips that will help you through a plateau.

Ariana Energy
3 min readDec 17, 2021
Shot by seekaxiom

Moving away from stagnancy in your training can be as easy as switching up the tempo in your workout routine. You may have noticed that when you walk into a pilates class versus a H.I.I.T. class, the tempo of the classes is very different. They’re both classified as “fitness” so, why do they produce different results? Pilates and Barre are prime examples of exercise methods that capitalize on eccentric contractions the technique will get someone as strong as a football player, breaking a sweat in seconds. So, what gives? Slow eccentric contractions create high tension on the muscle fibers through tempo, so the muscle has to work harder. I’m going to break down why different types of muscle stimulation help your muscles grow.

First, let’s explain the definitions.

What are Eccentric, Concentric, and Isometric Movements?

According to researchers at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), there are 2 types of isotonic contractions: concentric and eccentric. During a concentric contraction, the muscle tension rises to meet the resistance then remains stable as the muscle shortens. During an eccentric contraction, the muscle lengthens as the resistance becomes greater than the force the muscle is producing. Isometric muscle tension is when the muscle length does not change during contraction.

The Benefits of Concentric Loads Include:

  • Increases force production
  • Higher recruitment of muscle fibers
  • Increase weight loads overtime when lifting
  • Increases cardiovascular strength

The Benefits of Eccentric Loads Include:

  • Lower risk of injury
  • Supports mobility
  • Increases stability
  • Increases muscle strength
Pull-up negatives are a popular exercise to help develop strength for a full pull-up.

Eccentric movements are perfect on low-intensity days and while rehabbing because the energy cost is low and the mechanics of the movement create high force (even without added resistance!) In this screenshot, the “negatives” were combined with assisted pull-ups to create strength to achieve a full pull-up.

Should you train one more than the others?

Unfortunately, no! If only it were that simple.

Generally, training loads that demand more concentric contractions, like HIIT, increase your fast-twitch muscles fibers which can help you become faster and more agile over time. Eccentric movements contribute to slow-twitch muscle fibers strength, known to be fatigue-resistant, support your joints for complex movements, and strengthen the little muscles you didn’t know you had, the ones that even make a professional athlete sweat! A combination of the three movements spread over the week brought me the results I wanted and is worth giving it a shot in your routine.

Finally, if you’re hitting a plateau, before changing your entire routine, start with switching up your tempo.



Ariana Energy

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